Marca by BolognaFiere
15-16 January 2014
Bologna, Italy
ADM and BolognaFiere have announced a renewal of their partnership agreement and the conference topics for the event that is celebrating its tenth-year anniversary.
15th January morning
Organized by ADM (Large Retailer Association), this conference will explore the role that the Modern Retail System has acquired in areas of distribution, the production chain, internationalization of production and consumers.
It will feature a presentation by a consumer sociologist, followed by a roundtable discussion between several players in the supply chain. A concluding address will be given by a Government representative.
15th January afternoon
Workshop: Marca Tech: Packaging and Logistic Technologies
16th January morning
10th Annual PL Report; Focus 2014: Consumer Behavior. In addition to analysis of the market for PL products and the marketing policies of retailers and co packers, this year’s report will also feature a survey of consumer behavior based on data provided by IRI. It will explore 3 main aspects:
* Differences in perception between private label products and branded products. * Relationships between loyalty to retailers and purchases of private label products. * Analysis of the main service components.
16th January afternoon
Workshop Marca Fresh Lab.
As a result of the fair’s growth, MARCA has chosen to adopt a new layout in halls 21, 22, 16.
Each of the Marca partner retailers will have the opportunity to submit a selection of 12 new products to be featured in a special NEW PRODUCT GUIDE handed out to all visitors at the entrance to the show.
The ADM conference will begin with a celebratory event involving all the co packers and the retailers who are currently members of the Technical Committee. For more information on the 2014 event: