Categorized | Europe

Ahold Targets 40% Private Brand Penetration

Posted on 06 March 2013


Amsterdam, Netherlands based grocer Royal Ahold, the Dutch operator of U.S. supermarket chains Stop & Shop and Giant, is broadening its offerings to customers through improving its Private Brands and building its on-line business, company executives said February 28th in conjunction with the release of fiscal 2012 earnings.

Dick Boer, chief executive officer, said during the conference call with analysts that Ahold is continuing to broaden its offerings in the United States. He said the company has set an “ambitious goal” of 40% of sales penetration in 2016 of Private Brands.

“What’s good in the own brands is that in 2012 the divisions reformulated one in five of the own-brand products to meet higher quality standards,” Mr. Boer said.

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