16-17 January
Bologna Fiere, Bologna -Italy
The ninth edition of MARCAbyBolognaFiere, Italy’s largest platform for LOD leaders, industry companies and professionals (Italian and foreign) will be held in Bologna on16 and 17 January 2013.
MARCAbyBolognaFiere is a major economic event for small and medium Italiancompanies, providing the opportunity to check principal market trends every year. Strategies for growth in Italy and abroad are developed at the exhibition thanks to discussions and networking with private label managers of top names in LOD.
For Italian producers interested in foreign markets, MARCAbyBolognaFiere is the perfect occasion to meet foreign buyers and develop business opportunities.
The presence of these LOD managers– members of the Technical Scientific Committee– and sponsorship by ADM (Associazione distribuzione moderna), are just two of the many advantages of this trade-only event, which also offers a series of conferences devoted to topics of interest to the industry.
The success trend of the exhibition, whose last edition was visited by over 5,500 professionals (+2.14% compared to the 2011 edition and a significant +3.18% for foreign operators), confirms the success of private label products. In Italy – as in the majority of industrial nations – private label products are winning increasingly higher market shares and are preferred by consumers who perceive these names as a guarantee of quality, innovation, and fair price. This trend (+18% in the last four years and +7% last year alone) was noted in the ANNUAL PRIVATE LABEL REPORT presented during the previous edition.
At this edition of MARCAbyBolognaFiere, the Annual Private Label Report (onceagain prepared by Parma University in cooperation with Symphony IRI) will provide an analysis of market trends.
BolognaFiere has organised incoming events (with the cooperation of local Chambers of Commerce) to confirm the presence of qualified buyers from France, Germany, Romania, Spain, Russia, and Turkey, among others. They will have the opportunity to meet and make important new contacts in a Business Lounge reserved to professionals and producers.
Specialist Seminar – Generating Value Through Fresh Food: Lod Strategies Based on New Buying and Consumption Models >>
16 January 2013 – 2:30 PM
Sala Gallery 25 – 26
Italian consumers are changing their buying and consumption habits based on “value for money” models. Decisional independence and attention to waste are critical factors in this new consumer trend.
In LOD, generating value is closely dependent on the ability to structure the assortment, starting from distinctive categories with the highest margins. Fruits and vegetables, fish and meat assume a primary role in building the label’s position and developing a relationship of trust with final consumers, while simultaneously ensuring (if well managed) a positive contribution to the sales point’s income statement. The task is therefore to understand and correctly interpret the consumer’s new demands by building a successful assortment and an effective communication system, guiding customers in their shopping experience.
Contact >>
Isabella Bonvicini – BolognaFiere, Ufficio Stampa/Press Department
tel. +39 051 282 261 – 335 7995370 – fax +39 051 282 328
email: [email protected]